Roll call from PSR days

Im still here from the good ol PSR days… I remember when Chris (I believe that was his name) was threatning to shut us down… Whitey made a “emergency forum” and look what it has turned into…


I also remember 1320 flipping out on Chris :D:D:D

funny stuff

ahh. messican chris

holy piss… bojo’s back, thats old school…

his join date is oct 2003…

I remember the drama, but rarely posted on PSR so I doubt that counts. That stupid site is how showtime and me got caught up with Gearhead… :nuts: :booty: :finger:

:stupid: <— This was from back in the day.

I was on there, I can’t remeber my name though

Wasn’t it and then PSR to sperate it from illegal street racing :kekegay:

I posted occasionally back then and well about the same now.

PSR? … never heard of it is the true OGers. Shit, I’ve been posting with some of the fuckheads on here for 5 years now. lolz

5 years now? damn i’m getting old

Wow it seems like there is still a lot of you guys around.

Yeah Betrayed I had a Mustang, still do but it is pretty much stock and slow. But I love it anyway.

Hey Whitey I PMed you the other day. I think I saw you at a Pirate game a couple weeks back. I was working though so I couldn’t stop down.

Whoever brought up the chrome cobra r’s that was me but they are long gone.



fuck u fatboy…

havent you heard? I’m 6 foot 185 now. 185 lbs of Korean wrecking domination, to be more specific.

the best was how gay friggnAnT was.


and his ultra hotttttttt girl.


Wasn’t that topic one of the big things that led to the killing of the Pittsburgh forum on that site?