Roller Coaster tycoon fun :)


LOL thats neat


lol, the scattering of bodies is great

Haha that is great I never knew the bodies had ragdoll physics. :lol:


LOL thats sweet.

blocked, doh

thats awesome

haha I wonder if that will work on the original RCT. You can make a similar coaster and just increase the speed to shoot it off the end of the track. That new game looks cool though, good find.

hahahah thats bad ass

i use to do that all the time…but i would see how far i could launch the cars…


lol I love the bodies getting thrown.

none of them died :frowning:

ha i love how they are still cheering even tho gettin demolished by a rollercoaster ha

hahaha, that’s awesome. And they get right up afterwards too lol.


this video just prompted me to start playing rct3…such a fun game

good times that game