we all love the Cavy’s :wink:

Good thread Sario :tspry:

:tup: :rofl: HOLLAAAA

I got the 636 from Roman in rochester, $3400.

i dunno man, I guess the 600r was all right, but I don’t know if I’d ever ride it over my 636 or my r6 (btw, for sale cheap if anyone knows anyone). if I were to have 2 bikes, the other one would be a ducati st4 or something comfortable to cruise on

hey…that’s my old car in the background, lol

Vroom, vroom!

i took these of Justin (01audiS4)'s car tonight. enjoy.

do you go boosting down harlem road about 7:30 am near the corner of seneca and harlem? someone BOV’s in front of my house about that time every morning and its a black turbo hatch like that.

crop (krp), v. tr.: To trim (a photograph or picture, for example).


and i think you’re thinking of the actual black hatch, b16 turbo… kevins is grey.

i am usually in the shower when the car goes by. it’s tough to see it through that little window. well whoever it is, if you’re on here, keep doing it. it brings a little entertainment to my miserable mornings.

i miss this car a lot.

here is a pic of my car the quality isnt the greatest I took it with my cell phone

my hatch isnt black its dark grey and i dont ever go over there. i think ur thinking of rob with the black turbo slow hatch. its got silver wheels on it. on top of the fact that my car hasnt moved in 2 months

RsKrause, what in God’s name is that monstrosity? And how fast does it go? :slight_smile:

And what’s inside would be nice too ::tspry:

it’s tough to see the color. i see it for about 3 seconds. thanks for the heads up.

EDIT: this is dex. osiris likes to leave himself logged in on his own computer…what a prick.

what is that?