ronnie james dio

rot in hell little man with a big voice

if ya dont know he died yesterday of stomach cancer

Yeah, it’s sad to see him go… He was amazing.

he’s from my hometown lol

who the fuck is ronnie james?

You don’t know who Dio is? Let me guess, you listen to “colored” music, right?

Dio… Ronnie James Dio… As in “second lead singer of Black Sabbath” Dio, or “Dio” Dio. You kids these days… fuck.

no shit, that sucks. LOL @ colored music. I listen to about everything except new rap or “colored” music.

i’m sorry i can’t remember the second lead singers name from your favorite band though, really i am.

LOL… Nah, Sabbath isn’t my favorite band. Dio was awesome though, definitely a pioneer in the metal / rock category.

Sucks… one of the best metal vocalists of all time. He was a straight up classy guy too. Now I wish I had gotten a chance to see him live.

word, and fucking peter steele died the other week too. people are getting old dammit.

Peter did that to himself though… he looked like a walking skeleton when he passed away. It still sucks though.

I always loved Type O though too, it was some cool shit.

Id heard of him before but never knew until today that he was in Black Sabbath.

Well now you know… and knowing is half the battle.

I wish I could bring him back to life, only to kill him again :lmao

Well. Shit.

YO! JOE! :lol

You think that’s funny now, but zombies are serious business…

Zombies are a joke. What about when the ROBOTS take over?!?! :ohnoes

Now you’re just being unrealistic… Zombies, yes. Robots? Drugs.

Come, come now. They will become self aware any time now. Good drug.

Speaking of which, did you know there’s an actual company called Skynet? That’s scary. Not as scary as a Zombie Apocalypse, which can happen.