RS camaro



are these shots of what the production one will look? any specs on what the RS is all about? i’ve heard different things

300 hp v-6 from the cts direct injection. there is a nother thread on the motors they released.

Looks better than the concept but that interior is horrid.


…the fat chick is hotter than that car, mostly b/c of the tatoo :puke:

Exterior = 9
Taillights = 3
Interior = 5
Front of car = 10

i can agree on that. the interior looks cool lit up but during day looks cheap

Still ugly, no matter how many “Camaro” broads you stick in front of it.

You knew it was coming.

That interior and the mustang’s interior make me wanna puke. ewwww they look so cheap and I can’t stand the retro guages! Exterior looks awesome though.

ugly & played out already.


just like back in the 60’s, GM is a few years late to the party with an ugly car.

I’m glad I’m a mopar guy and not a chevy guy. If I had to try and convince people that car was cool, I’d fail worse than liberals do at life!

I def. like it better than the new Mustang, and it doesn’t look as bulky as the new Challenger…

All in all I’m a fan, but I’m getting tired of the whole retro-throwback BS that the companies are doing. Especially because the price tag is a premium for these cars to target the demographic of 50-somethings who used to have these cars in their heyday.

god I made that along time ago

i still think they look awesome. interior is decent and the power plants should be pretty nice also. but id rather rock a used vette then spend 30 on a camaro.