RSM Cavalier

hi welcome to ontopic :rolleyes:

i aint no dawg

true… but the more i think about it the more it really seems like they only seem good for gettin groceries and what not… hes probably spend over 7-10g in it … where he could have spend 7-10g on something incredible… to me its a waste of money… and i know it could be made fast pretty easily… but to me its still a cavilier… granted id definatly snatch up that car if he wanted to get rid of it… only to sell it …

whys this WAS on topic?

This coming from a probe owner…

People like you make me laugh…

Do you think that any honda civic, or other import was designed to do anything but drive on the road to get from point A to point B, get groceries and pick the kids up from soccer practice? No they weren’t, thats the whole point of modding cars. To improve and make them do stuff they wern’t supposed to be made for…


fyi - you drive a mx6.

don’t be a dick in on-topic… no need, you’ll get flamed and lose anyway :redface:

Those cavvys must be high 13 sec material huh? :blue:

i seen that car today…i give him credit for trying to improve something? im just not into body kits. what do u think that car is capable of sight n sound???

it was dead even with my car when i was stock

so then i shouldn,t fear getting beaten by a cavvy :confused:

i would say it runs high 13s at best

oh yeah wanna race?

:frowning: :frowning:

I,m down to run…u are prob faster than me though… :frowning:

someone told me you run 12s

well run em if it ever gets nice out

ROFLMAO!!! I,m not even close man,you?

haha you fuckin with me, i swear jeff with the neon rt told me you run 12s that day we were all down south park

i havent ran my car but with my mods im probably around mid 13s

ill race with my stock buick…i think its like a 13.8 or sumthing!

I,m close to u so it will be A good race,n don,t listen to 6bquik…lol

what u mean im with yins mid 13’s