RUBIK'S CUBE!!!!!!!!


i knew i shouldnt have picked up this dam thing. i had it close to done and my gf mixed it up on me when i set it down…



anyone master the rubik’s cube?

its fucking bullshit i hate them

i cant stop!!!

fuck this poll im EATING a sandwich

FUCK YA…im about to make a rubiks cube PnJ

I learned how to master it after watching Pursuit of Happiness.

and it scored me a job too.

i am on the google now searching for a cure to this disease

peel teh stickerzzz

what i always wondered was, if u pell the stickers, but not all of them, say just one. will that make it impossible to do?

i dont know, its already impossible for me right now


I’ve never solved one, nor been particularly motivated to solve one.

true story, I can solve a 3x3x3 rubiks in less than 80 seconds, every time, regardless of orientation or time spent scrambling it.

also can solve the 4x4x4 (rubiks revenge) and the 5x5x5 (professors)

Once day I looked at it and decided to find the geometric mathematics involved (that my fancy way of saying I studies how the pieces moved) and the rest is history

me niether, but i seen that bastard on tv do it blind folded and im set out to beat it…


Yeah that homofag0r bastard. I would like to wipe that goofy smirk off his face.

i dont believe you

I had one when I was 9 or 10 and did it during the Superbowl, since my cousin gave it to my for Christmas. I should try to find it and see if I’ve gotten dumber.

my gf got it in a gift thing from her convention…and I STOLE IT…that will teach her to mess it up on me after i was close to beating it but in the end was probably not that close

lol, most don’t. You’re more than welcome to take a trip here to Rochester to watch if you’d like, I’ll throw the 5x5x5 cube in for kicks.

i just dont get it. it was all the right colors when i opened it. i only turned it like 5 times and its a dam mess now

go to and search for the rubix cube video theres three of them it will tell you how to do it. fuck i ripped the stickers off mine