RWD converted WRX drifted into a tree (vid)

what a moron…

I am suprised that they got 2 minutes of video in before he slammed it

Where’s the “Oh noez! I broke my terbow!!!111” graphic…

i know! i LOVE that graphic, lost in last time i reformatted :tdown:

Kinda reminds me of those girls driving on their hood and then crashing into the sign at Mighty a while back. Ass hats!

me and a buddy were on honda-tech the other day and saw this
what an idiot
it didnt look bad a first but after seeing the damage, damn.

I always wanted to see what would happen to a front bumperless WRX if it hit a tree.


looks like a lot of fun…besides crashing

I remember one day @auto-X there was this blue wrx that couldn’t make this one turn but there was a bumper on it so the damage wasn’t anywhere near that:mamoru:

yeah but i believe it hit a bunch of foam blocks and tires before the guardrail.

ah yes… the batavia kart track.
those were the days…

I’m just glad those tires were there… it would’ve been all guardrail.