RWD meet Only! K-Dubya

4wd ownz rwd

Sh1tZ g0nNa be s0 cA$h

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4x4 crushes s14 because of timbit weight.

shit, we should all sell our 240’s and get some fuckin cavaliers up in here.

thats whats up.

^^…who wants to trade a kouki for a cavalier?

Lol Quinn your just picturing all those nice fresh timbits in the H2 aren’t you, and that pic is hilarious.

omg those white boys need to eat some chocolate or sugar to regain some color. Call 911. They look bloodless or in need of an immediate hospital visit.

What? So I guess this is unacceptable? And I was looking forward to this too…

speaking of psa…quinn, andrew, mark, i dunno which one of you mentioned that psa 240 one time but i swear i saw that black hatch owner you guys were chirpin. riced out pretty badly with…some kind of white rims iirc…big wing on the back, looked like stock ride height…

i saw him at the fischer hallman / ottawa walmart tire shop when my buddy was picking up a battery one day. you should’ve heard some of the shit he was saying to the guy running the service desk…something about having rwd and drifting…

he then continued by putting on a little demo for the guys by trying to break his ass loose in the mini parking lot by the garage, where customer cars were parked :S looked more like sad attempts at a power slide with massive body roll…i had a good chuckle but didn’t say anything to the guy. i’m pretty sure it’s him no?

please invite him to the meet, we can use him as a fwd bouncer :smiley:

ahh, no we don’t want him near the cars. if he thinks we’re “Friends” he might start trying to chill with us.

He’s terrible. I didn’t want to be rude to him at one of the meets, he had walked into our conversation circle and joined in. Tanning cremé, white head band, and spiked frosted tips. He proceeded to follow me around the whole night, commenting on everything I said, no matter where I walked.

I love puppies, but once they get old enough to hump your leg, and want to hump your leg, the innocence becomes awkward and sad.

lmao, well put…i guess you gotta show him who’s boss on the next attempt haha.

by the way…why is it always the leg…my buddy has this one vid of our friend’s dog dry humping the shit out of this guy’s leg at our old house…funny thing was that he actually let the dog do it twice so that we could get it on tape. yes we still rip on him for that to this day, he’s got his share of problems haha.

That guy lives on my gfs street you guys are talking about. I went into get a tire mounted on a rim once there. Just so happend he worked there. Him and all his buddies that worked in there as soon as i pulled in to where he works they all came out i wasn’t even out of my car yet and he had his hand out to shake my hand. He then proceeded to talk about getting a body kit for his and stuff. It took everything i had not to call him an idiot and to return the car to stock cause it looked better.

He followed me around at a meet once too.

Ill probablly be up for this Ive been saying id come out for awhile now. Ill try to make it for sure.

Ryan, I’ve seen much worse on the internet…much worse.

I saw him on the highway today, BLARGHK.

Also ran into a guy with a MINTY hicas champaign hatch, he should be out on Sunday as well.

See you bunch of sweet buns tomorrow, batts lashes

Hmmm I dont think I have too much goin on tonight, might be there with the 2wd truck…so I wont need to bring timbits yay!

joe, i just realized i never got those pictures sent to you. I’ll see if I can get them on a CD to bring for you tonight.

In KW right now and the car is running awesome…see you all later.

Yeah man, that’d be great!

Nice meet boys…good time seeing the old, and meeting some new.

P.S I didn’t burn-up on the way home, yaaaaa!!!

good to hear nick! You gotta bring that thing out to some more meets next year. RWD meet successful, not a single front/awd showed up :slight_smile: