s13 & s14 coilovers.

s14 coilovers 240sx -
s14 NRG full adjustable coilovers w/ camber plates.

Asking Price: $ 950 ( Or Best Offer )
Condition: Used
Location: Toronto, Ontario.
Will Ship?: Y/N
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet



s13 240sx
front and rear
Bilstein fully adjustable coilovers w/ camber plates.

Asking Price: $ 650 ( Or Best Offer )
Condition: Used
Location: Toronto, Ontario.
Will Ship?: Y/N
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet

Pictures Soon.

also have:

mines adjustable strut bar for $90 - fits s13
resurfaced flywheel sr20det - $75

s13 red top w/ bad compresson on one cylinder.

No transmission, no ecu, no harness.
Comes with turbo, manifolds, and some other stuff.
This is still intact, NOT STRIPPED DOWN. - $500

  • ill take a picture

Dude lol why on earth are you trying to sell items that you dont own in your possenssion??? lol i bought those coilovers today from the exact same improter that you happend to have taken that same very pic of them at.

Same thing goes for the pink coilovers you were selling not to long ago. lol… they were beside the exact same set which i purchased. Also i dont think people are dumb enough to fall into such a rip off trap price like yours. Or well i at least hope so. I mean, theres a bunch of other coilovers in the back ground for Gods sake.

Word of advice do a better job with the photo to at least hide the fact that those arnt even in your possession. I.E cropping the pic so that the other coilovers that you may attempt sell that you dont even own! are better hidden? lol…

Im so appauled by this rancid act of douche-baggery I took a pic. Ill post later once i figure that out.

Also ill post up the address of the importer once i find the card. so that people can go and check it out for themselves.

Peace. and Good luck with the sale. =)

He’s been doing that for a while I believe, I agree that it’s not really cool to post pics of products that he does not even own but there’s nothing we can really do about it. I know where he buys all that stuff from too.

i.e http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=192234

as a side note, im jealous that you got those bilsteins those are fucking hot!


i didnt know bilstein made coils for s13’s. That’s hot shit, willing to sell highonpsi?

thats nice,
my name is tim
1591 matheson blvd
905 238 3331
japan direct.

they want me to sell stuff
so i do…
i’ve helped many many many people with items from jd.

Mo even offered me my own office today,
i should take him up on his offer
so i can run into you guys more often

i even messaged gonad earlier today about getting vendor status because mo wanted me to help sell some nissan stuff

edit: call and ask,
ive litterally been there like 50 times in the past 4 months…
I’ve sold half there inventory.

double edit:
I think ive sold something like 12 or more silvia front end to people with 240’s that would have originally had to pay 1500 which was the going rate on son before i came around… there is a reason im undernieth varun in itrader…
the more parts, the better imo…

see you guys at japan direct :cool::D:mad::p:D:cool::D:cool:


Dude how the hell do you call helping others out by adding $650 commission to coilovers that cost only $300. Especially if you dont even know if their blown or not.$300 Thats what i paid for them lol. Thats all they were asking for them. Its funny that you say you help people out with “SICK JDM MAD TYTE YO PRICING”, when you get shit pricing yourself. lol…

Just like how you get others who go there regularly to attempt to help you get discounts, and you end up failing hard. like that grey silvia front clip you bought. $2700 down to $2600. Lawl. Dude the silvia front ends are sold for practically nothing.? $300 for a complete front end but with half cut fenders? $500 for a complete front end? yeah im sure i can easily help people get cheap front ends to.

Tim I wanna be just like you. Ill just give them the address and tell them that to say Tim sent them and they’ll automatically get baller pricing such as yours. WITH GST added :slight_smile:

Oh and by the way guys Mo offered me a bigger office than tim. And ill even give you guys a %10 discount on all items with shipping to your door at no cost. Also i work at the Nissan thats located 10 mins from their location. lol…

Dude you should be embarrassed, how dare you make a post after getting owned by Born2Beaskyline like that. If i were you id honestly beg to be banned. Id honestly throw up the thread for you, but it got moved to members i assume, because i cant find it. :slight_smile:

Peace not War! :smiley:

umm… to highonpsiii, be careful who u talk, about he’s been on this fourm quite a bit and u have not, furthermore keep ur comments to urself, he’s helped my bro quite alot… and i’m sure alot of other ppl on here… if u dont like his prices… then go elsewhere.

You say peace not war, but you sound like a shit starter. All lewtz did was offer to buy those coils and you had to throw up drama from the past. Especially use of the phrase, “how dare you make a post” why wouldnt he? what does he have to be cautious about?

Yeah, i know about tim hes been banned many times “Average Player” was his old user name, im still surprised he hasnt been re-banned for his sheisty actions/ways.

So heres a perfectly logical question to you, and your brother. If tim is able to sell items he doesn’t own for retarded prices, would he resist ripping off you and your brother??, as well as convincing you into believing that you got hooked up? Not quite eh? it happens unfortunately to everyone who’s a new member to son. considering your low activity and low post count, i doubt you would be not naive to not get taken advantage of.

Im not new to son either, I Creep around the boards, i had an account back before the server crashed, but that doesn’t matter anymore. It simply doesn’t change the fact that what hes doing is wrong, and complete douche-baggery to all members, especially members that are new to son and are not aware what shit should be priced at roughly.

Also “No” i dont like tims prices, so therefore ill call him out on them, simply because I know that there outrageous.

As well as the fact that I “KNOW” first hand how much the items hes selling are really priced at. Hes got another thread for carbon fibre 5 lug rims that hes selling, for a re-tarded price $1000+. They were being sold for $500 - $600, for the set, i know this because i was interested in buying them. To top it off there still at the importers. Chillin in the same spot… lol…

Also, if bing was to give tim his own vender spot, it would be no different from me going to say Tigerdirects website or warehouse and taking pics of thier shit, and selling them for double what i would pay for them, before even buying them from Tigerdirect.

If Tim is capable of doing that, im sure it would be not that big of a deal for him to rip you and your brother off, who are probably fairly new members.

Peace Not war!

So when an individual sells parts for a profit, everyone goes ape shit? But you turn around and buy from guys like Varun and Bing (both AWESOME guys btw) as if they ARENT making money off you??


It’s not called showfriends, it’s called showbusiness lol.

Lol, honestly id never buy from either of them. Im not naive enough to do so.

I think calling out the vice president of sun and his best buddy oh pal would be a pointless war. The equivalent of me giving an enemy a gun and asking for them to pull the trigger. Im fully aware of what they both do. But what Tim is doing is entirely different seeing as how hes selling shit that he doesn’t have or own to begin with. Its like me selling your home to someone else without buying it from you, as well as it being at a monstrously overly high price.

Also the fact that he has a long running bad history of being a douche, makes calling him out worth while. As well as notifying other unsuspecting members.

Veteran members such as you, dont need to pay attention to this simply because you all have been around here long enough to know how shit should be priced. Especially when your being shiested and or ripped off.

I’m friends with both of them, and I used them as examples because of they’re good reputations. I’m just being the devils advocate.

Someone makes money when you buy a car part, any part, thats my point.

he can sell it for watever price he wants. but son240 does have a rule if the item is not urs u can not post it , especially for a frend. this is no different imo… and usually the thread is locked soon after.

if you can get these low prices??.. get me a set of the coilovers for an s14…

Hey hey, what’s going on here? I’m new to son because I just bought an S13 and just bought a set of “JDM” shocks and struts with Tein springs from Tim last night and he seems like a nice person. I bought them for $350, which to me, seems resonable considering lowering springs would cost $200-$300 alone! If i’m getting ripped off then it’s my fault for not knowing and would not buy from that seller again…and I know where he lives!

Thanks Tim, or not?

I don’t see what the big deal is. Although some people use this site as a means to conduct business, many people, like myself, use to network with others alike. I appreciate knowing that people are making an effort to expose the goods and services of other networks like Tim is trying to do. If you’re foolish enough to purchase something without doing your own research then you deserve to pay that price. Buyer beware, we all know that.

Never understood why people have to threadcrap in for sale posts. Well unless they themselves are a reseller looking to make a buck and slander and undercut the next guy. How can you live in a world where everyone makes profit off you and get upset at one particular person. Its a free market. Don’t like it, move to a communist country.

Shit there is chump money at stake here and haters take it so serious.

It is true that users are not supposed to create for sale threads for items that do not belong to them or that they do not have in their possession.

However, in Tim’s case, some of what he sells is in fact in his possession and it is far beyond the abilities of the moderators to determine what items are in fact in his possession and which are not.

So in this case it is perfectly acceptable for someone to point out that the goods in question do not belong to the supposed seller, though i would suggest a more subtle way of doing so in the future.

Yes Tim has been banned in the past, so has Ian (BAS), bob ™, Ed (Applesouth), Jesse (jjwilks) and a host of other people who have all been around for a while, some of whom are at odds with SON’s admin. However, we exclude very few people from this community permenantly, only those that have continued to take advantage of member’s of the community depsite ample warning… (nelly?).

Tim being allowed to post on the forums is no different than many others being allowed to post, like those mentioned above, depsite being banned in the past. But yes, he will be held to a shorter leash because of it.

What is not okay is to suggest that someone would have to be ‘naive’ to purchase from long term respected vendors, and yes i am one of them. I suppose one would have to be equally naive to purchase from JRP, or even ebay or Enjuku or P2M.

Unfortunately you will not have the opportunity to elaborate on that here. I’m sure no one is interested anyways.