s13 & s14 coilovers.

Yeah, i know about tim hes been banned many times “Average Player” was his old user name, im still surprised he hasnt been re-banned for his sheisty actions/ways.

So heres a perfectly logical question to you, and your brother. If tim is able to sell items he doesn’t own for retarded prices, would he resist ripping off you and your brother??, as well as convincing you into believing that you got hooked up? Not quite eh? it happens unfortunately to everyone who’s a new member to son. considering your low activity and low post count, i doubt you would be not naive to not get taken advantage of.

Im not new to son either, I Creep around the boards, i had an account back before the server crashed, but that doesn’t matter anymore. It simply doesn’t change the fact that what hes doing is wrong, and complete douche-baggery to all members, especially members that are new to son and are not aware what shit should be priced at roughly.

Also “No” i dont like tims prices, so therefore ill call him out on them, simply because I know that there outrageous.

As well as the fact that I “KNOW” first hand how much the items hes selling are really priced at. Hes got another thread for carbon fibre 5 lug rims that hes selling, for a re-tarded price $1000+. They were being sold for $500 - $600, for the set, i know this because i was interested in buying them. To top it off there still at the importers. Chillin in the same spot… lol…

Also, if bing was to give tim his own vender spot, it would be no different from me going to say Tigerdirects website or warehouse and taking pics of thier shit, and selling them for double what i would pay for them, before even buying them from Tigerdirect.

If Tim is capable of doing that, im sure it would be not that big of a deal for him to rip you and your brother off, who are probably fairly new members.

Peace Not war!