s14 leftover partout parts

Few parts I have left from a partout
Everything is best offer, ttc 289 928 1752

Rear Interior Trim, with front and rear seat belts
Front brake calipers
Roll bar with passenger airbag
Fenders both are pretty shitty
Mint dash, center console (sold)
Hood good shape other then small ding in front (sold)
Rad KA
Rad with electric fan SR20
Fan shroud
Coolant reservoir



Does the driver side have any rust?

fenders? Explain the shitty part? Rusty at all or just scratched up?

Not rusty, drivers side has a nice ding, hard to see in the picture, and passenger side has a few bangs on it

how much for the fenders? mine are pretty rotten so anything is better then what i have now (plus i have a bodyshop here at work lol)

10-20 bucks i dont care lol come get em ttc

mail me the cap off the coolant overflow? i meant to ask you about it when i got that hvac motor :smiley:

ka fan shroud or s14sr20?

s14 sr20 for the shroud, dash is sold

I can ship it if you pay for shipping lol

Dash and hood sold, everything is best offer

do you have the shifter trim shown?

Ya i still have shifter trim

is the glove box gone ?

Yeh, sold with the dash, sorry

do you have s14 subframe?

Nope sorry, only parts I have are ones listed above