Sabres game online anywhere?

I’m at my buddy’s place who doesn’t have cable, only internet. Someone had posted this link to myp2p

but the link is down.

Anyone have any insight? I don’t want to be stuck with just the stupid radio in hd


it’s on standby (assuming it’s because the game isn’t for another 15 minutes) so I guess I’ll know shortly if it works. Thanks a lot man I appreciate it

itll work always does. itll come on at 10 on the dot usually

ATDHE streams are where its at. Always great quality, and never have any problems with them :slight_smile:

you jynxed it for me

great site. thanks a bunch

atdhe doesn’t have the sabres game on.

anyone have another link?

I tried the ones on myp2p forum but they didn’t work for me

some site my gf found in spain. ive watched it on there there is no delay or nething its awesome

it says “service unavailable”

for the one i gave u? its working for me

damn. it doesn’t work for me

I thought I had it with this but also no dice|300US

  1. Remember that channels must be opened around 30 min before the start of the event in order to receive and share the channel “signal” properly, if not you will not receive enough data from enough peers, therefore you will not watch the event properly. Besides you may be overloading the channel (specially if many people do the same) for some minutes affecting to the other users who loaded the channel with enough time. In the schedule the links are ordered by recommendation to less recommended.

The nhl’s website has a little blurb over the game coverage about watching it online, don’t know if it is free though.

$20 per month

shitty but thats not too bad of a price imo

I’m psyched that atdhe is back on but the quality seems way worse and you can no longer fullscreen

Thank you for providing a failed link to us. I’m going to click on it every minute until it works for me.

that link changes every day you fucking moron. see how it says 1-22 in the title?



Thank you for informing me of this, and for calling me a moron.