safe saw?


We all like to think we’ll just be careful, but accidents do happen. My grandfather is a master craftsman and has been working with power tools since he was in his teens but about 10 years ago he chopped off about 1/2 inch of a finger on a planer. Pretty good safety record considering all the furniture he’s built, but still, that 1/2" of finger ain’t coming back.

And I’m calling BS on you reacting fast enough to your finger hitting a table saw blade to only get the tiny little scratch that hot dog received. No way, no how, not within the reaction time of a human.


one of my coworkers once told me that to be a true carpenter you have to be missing at least one finger, needless to say hes missing 3

he must be one hell of a carpenter :cjerk:

but seriously, i use a woodshop equipment all day long, as long as you remember what the equipment can do too your hands (granted small accidents will happen) youll be good