Saleen S7 pulled over on the 90




i know your poor ass couldnt afford it and yes actually ihave a few rich relatives who on their own could afford this car and shut the fuck up you only make like 40,000 a year

400,000? Add another Ferrari 360… Sticker on a 2006 TT is $602,000.


:lol: okay.

I hope he/she never drives it then, or parks it unattended. Actually, the safest route would to never register it or allow anyone to see it. Erasing their identity should be the next step.


Yes, because it is soooo difficult to find out where someone lives if you know their name. :rolleyes:

Seeing a car on the street or meeting the person out will give you very little info unless that person wants you to know, or you know a cop who would even give you their info from the cars’ plate.


shut the fuck up you only make like 40,000 a year




i know your poor ass couldnt afford it and yes actually ihave a few rich relatives who on their own could afford this car and shut the fuck up you only make like 40,000 a year


and u make sub 15k, shut the fuck up

haha i knew it was gonna be lesser.

how was the factory?


haha i knew it was gonna be lesser.

how was the factory?


Factory was fucking amazing. The cleanliness and sheer size of the place was almost breathtaking. There was 100’s of Harley Davidson trucks there, 100’s of Saleen Mustangs, 2 Ford GT’s, a hot rod or two and a ton of Viper parts (as they paint the Viper now as well)

[quote=“Final GTS,post:67,topic:38536"”]

Factory was fucking amazing. The cleanliness and sheer size of the place was almost breathtaking. There was 100’s of Harley Davidson trucks there, 100’s of Saleen Mustangs, 2 Ford GT’s, a hot rod or two and a ton of Viper parts (as they paint the Viper now as well)


:tup: :tup:

i cried myself to sleep that night, because i couldn’t make it. :frowning:


theres alot of people with successful family members on here


i hear ya, i was almost sure these were minimum of 1 mil. i dunno anything about saleen :-/




LOL, i’ll be close to the 40 mark this year, so i believe it.


and u make sub 15k, shut the fuck up


LOL i made that much when i was 15.

I was just ripping on speedped because he drives a POS…His dad drives a POS…

No need for an actual debate between none douche bag NYSpeed members :slight_smile:


I was just ripping on speedped because he drives a POS…His dad drives a POS…

No need for an actual debate between none douche bag NYSpeed members :slight_smile:


I hear ya there. I’m glad i moved out of the POS crowd and joined the gay vw crowd :stuck_out_tongue:


I hear ya there. I’m glad i moved out of the POS crowd and joined the gay vw crowd :stuck_out_tongue:


I think thats a lateral transfer…


I think thats a lateral transfer…


I wanted an F-bod…but I didn’t think that would be such a great idea in the winter.

Maybe I’ll sell my Turbo E30 after this upcoming summer and buy one for the summers :slight_smile:

I’ll take my VW as a decent DD for the time being, It’s damn near new anyways :slight_smile:


i know your poor ass couldnt afford it and yes actually ihave a few rich relatives who on their own could afford this car and shut the fuck up you only make like 40,000 a year


so being a waste of space is genetic and both u and ur father are the shame of the family


i know your poor ass couldnt afford it and yes actually ihave a few rich relatives who on their own could afford this car and shut the fuck up you only make like 40,000 a year


i hope you run head on into a dump truck this winter you poverty level herpes ridden ignorant fuck. Go kill yourself, its probably one of the best things that will happen on this board

granted Speedped sounds like a pretty stupid YOUNG kid…but…I think that there are a whole bunch of assholes on here that feel the need to beat up on the kid via forum just to make themselves feel better. who the fuck cares what he drives. who the fuck cares where he lives. who the fuck cares what his family makes. not everyone comes from money and I know that many of you probably exaggerate what you/your family make. the way that some of you dumbfucks act is exactly why I drive “beaters”. so I don’t have to associate with people who feel that a car a person drives is directly correlated to how much money they make and how big their cock is.

You’re trying to defend some jerk off who goes out his way in every thread possible to start shit with 90% of the members here.

I’m trying to defend against the attitudes and the way that people handle it. IGNORE feature, get him banned, but why concern yourself with some asshole kid that is as you said, simply trying to cause trouble.


I’m trying to defend against the attitudes and the way that people handle it. IGNORE feature, get him banned, but why concern yourself with some asshole kid that is as you said, simply trying to cause trouble.


i don’t go out of my way to beat up on a young defenseless kid. I just want him to die in as slow and painful way as possible


so being a waste of space is genetic and both u and ur father are the shame of the family


fuck u u dont know me or my father how about i say your fathers a waste of life? you dont like it do you?