San Diego.

bah, good luck kyle. Hope to see ya soon.:tup:

very nice place :tup:


good for you kyle

i will be there before the end of the year, im savin already… seriously

thanks everyone. umm…the rent is like 2200/month. but its also 4 bedrooms so we have 4 people which makes it 550/person. supposively we’re getting a 52" tv soon, cause of football season lol. works for me.

i’ll post pics of the new place once we move in about a month :slight_smile:

looks nice tho kyle…glad things worked out for ya too

thats not bad at all! wow, good deal man

Place looks hot…I might have to come visit!!!

very nice! good luck out there.

awesome kid great deals… how fun dude looks sweet

good for u kyle, wish i had the $$ to move outta buffalo/go to school outta state, hopefully soon. but yea i think i am going to start saving to come out and visit you, looks like its a good time, keep in touch

i hate you, but we discussed this earlier :frowning:

Nice Place !
Headed out that way at the end of December meets!

if you remember before you leave, PM me. i’m down to chill. and once again, thanks everyone for the support. i’m sure i’ll be seeing some of you out here, if not then i guess when i come back to visit. until then, stay classy.

baha, ancherman. “go fuck yourself”

san diego is the nicest city in the us, period.

Coronado island is like an uber elite sandiego island.

coronado is sweet as hell i was there in february.

have fun owning a nice car you can drive year round and not worry about being a rust pile come spring… ASSHOLE