San Diego.

Got in at about 4pm yesterday, took care of picking up some stuff, got my internet working and yeah. Figured i’d take some pics for you guys that want to see the pad. To start it off its a little after 1, and about 85 degrees :wink: Now for the pics:

my room:


got bodyboards???


that’s all for now, i’m going to the beach…


“A whale’s vagina”

someone went to ikea


looks good bro.

there is a HUGE warehouse, i had to. lol

rockin :tup:

i am going to San Diego on my honeymoon next year

nice place, and i bet every place in SD needs fireplace :slight_smile:

Ahhh, good old California… I definitely miss it on rainy days like this.

Not sure if you are new to Cali or not… but you should know that it’s said that there are no virgins in San Diego.

did you bring all of your rediculous shirts you had hiding away in your closet? :lol:

wow, I’ve been asking Rich to take these kind of pics since he moved there

Cant wait to come out there with you guys :tup:

i hate you. alot. k bye.

oOh nice! :tup:

peace kyle. i’ll miss you. :gay2:

damn that place is nice. i wish i lived there :wink:

I used to live in san diego man… i can’t believe i’m here in buffalo :rofl:

anyways, i used to live on coronado island… check it out sometime…

anyways, enjoy the city, avoid the traffic and take full advantage of the public transportation. anything else you want to know, hit me up :tup:

i fucking love it there…

san diego rocks! i was there about 6 months ago. love it there

mind if i ask how much a place like that cost you? i’d love to move out that way someday, congrats :tup:

that place has crazy potential. very nice