If you didn't live in Buffalo where would you live?

I would be in South Florida or the Carolinas. Fawk I’m looking into both right now. :lolham:

Paris or Africa.

or new jersey :wink: where i’ll be in a few months.


oh wait :-/


I just moved back to Buffalo from Charlotte, but I will be back in Charlotte within 2 years.


ass…thats where i want to head eventually, most likely the st. pete area

Warsaw http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

omg you need to learn how to use the search function:

I always liked Central Florida, cause im not a big drinker and i like innovative themeparks. Between universal and disney there is always something to do.

^ you’ll get sick of that fast. and of the tourists that can’t drive. anywhere in florida, i’d pick st. augustine. i’d live in that castle.

My girlfriend lived down there close to a year and i went down there several times to visit her during her internship. If you live outside the tourist areas it is nice and theres still plenty to do. I don’t mind traffic, its a way of life for most of the rest of the country.

Charlotte NC


Buffalo is really isolated from the rest of the US, minus Alaska lol

Here for life.

vegas/carolinas/virginia beach

NC, prolly where im heading in a year or two

Cali. Southern Cali. San Diego, OC, etc.

^^ my sister is moving to san diego in july. im jealous

I prob moving to San Diego in 3 months after i finish one more contract here in NC, Im Excited!!!