Sandal Thread: Your Summertime Soul

I prefer to be comfortable rather than pay to much attention to what people think of me.

During the summer, 5 out the 7 days in a week, I am wearing sandals. Why? Because they are comfortable when its 90 degrees out. I would rather let my feet breathe than let them sit in their own puddle of sweat because someone thinks its retarded to wear anything other than cotton socks and sneakers during the summer.

Bunch of wimps in here

u got some purtty feet :excited

don’t wear sandals, boots 24/7 for me

sounds like some doods on this forum have some embarassingly ugly feet

ill admit it…i do :lol

I wear hip waders 24/8. That’s right you bitches!

ass pirate, you are one.

i wear boots because i like to be prepared for anything, i hate having shit droped or steped on my toes and I hate people that cant do shit bc they dont have the right footwear. A long time ago i had a transmission droped on my foot…never again.

I think sandals make your feet dirty and disgusting looking. I’ll stick to shoes or moccasins (not in public though).

regardless, boatshoes>* in the summer when you’re not doing anything physical

if ur showing toes and ur a dood, ur gay and thats all there is too it.

yep +rep


Agreeing with DJ on this 100%. Only time sandals are acceptable is on the beach or at the pool.

Or if i gotta run in the basement quick, cuz motherfuckers can’t be wearing shoes in the house!

boatshoes are wicked comfortable and i will wear them if im going out to dinner or doing something with my family, but there is just something about having my toes out in the summer night air that i love :lol

I wear shorts and t-shirts all summer usually, so sandals are a perfect fit for me. Easy on/off. I feel weird actually if I am wearing shorts and a tshirt plus socks/sneakers.

wow, i start wearin pennie loafers and you catch on… WTF

Mocassins… all day everyday

literally has nothing to do with you :lol

Buncha herbs up in here. Ill wear sandals all day long in the summer.