Sarah Toga

fuck that place. Every time we go there, not by my choice, its a shit show. I honestly cant remember a single time we didnt have drama some way some how. Fucking friends want to go to the tavern on the guido floor and I hate that shit. Cant wear a baseball hat in, but you can wear a beanie? If I were going to shank people in the club, I would probably put it in my pocket not on my fucking head!

like jonny said it gets dark there for some reason. Mostly Chris Brown wanabees, and general thug nastys. Wiggers are there all the time too.

FUCK just thinking of it wants to make me rage.

Will there be blow?


:rofl shit last time i was there car clamrod tricked us into going into club shadow, talk about no lights in that place, all i saw was white teeth on the dance floor

^ so a bunch of blacks were in da club smilin?

darkies and mud puppies galore, i almost threw up, had to go home and listen to some johnny rebel

If you bring me

ni99er hatin me? great song

coon town and looking for a handout are good ones too :thumbup

I wish my copy of that cd didnt get fucked up and skip. I cant seem to find it to download.

i got a bunch of his songs if you want them

Ive got a bunch too, just not the whole 30 song cd. I cant seem to get the torrent for the whole cd to download.

I work out listening to some of those songs.