Shift 518 Night Out?

Nicole and I were talking about this, she dosent think that I can get her to dance…haha.

But anyway, I’ll be home for a few days in Oct, and I could do Oct 10th which is a Saturday if any of you fuckers want to go downtown and party…

I’ll start the list

1)Travis (with several friends from home)
2)Singh (because that’s wut it do)
3)Nicole/dancing shoes
7)Jammer if he’s in town
8)Various people from ti
Anyone else? I might have some floor spots at the Hampton for a couple to crash…


EDIT-Its going to be Saratoga. See later posts for hotel info.

almost guaranteed glimpses of travis’ cock during this event.

Bar pisses will happen, but in that case the viewer of said cack would have to be intentionally trying to catch a glimpse of the bent beast.

Downtown Albany, or Saratoga?


Wonders why you are thinking about Travis’s Cack?:wtf


Do it :excited

I’m down to go out. Nicole looks like we can wear our dancing shoes lol

Wow, what a bunch of hosers. C’mon you lame ass fucks…PJB?!

It’ll be downtown Alb.

Im broke and I absolutely hate going to Albany clubs.

fuck albany and all the skanks and fag that populate it

Who wants to party with me and ron in saratoga instead?:number1

Toga, Albany only difference is the drive

you haven’t been around long enough.

I still hesitate and shudder when clicking any of his threads

hahaha too funny. still doesnt answer the question

Man, get out a few times already so you can tell us where the good spots are first!!

all you CP clowns would love the “freshman” bars lol. all 18-19 y/o’s pretty much and mostly females. havent really ventured out past the 199th-183rd st and webster ave-southern blvd areas yet. might be heading down with some people for drunken manhattan advenchurz this weekend, not sure though.

Toga is fine, whatever, closer for me, figure Alb so the people that get drunk have a cheaper ride home but w/e

im halfways between both, heh

Saratoga chicks are hotter.