Nicole and I were talking about this, she dosent think that I can get her to dance…haha.
But anyway, I’ll be home for a few days in Oct, and I could do Oct 10th which is a Saturday if any of you fuckers want to go downtown and party…
I’ll start the list
1)Travis (with several friends from home)
2)Singh (because that’s wut it do)
3)Nicole/dancing shoes
7)Jammer if he’s in town
8)Various people from ti
Anyone else? I might have some floor spots at the Hampton for a couple to crash…
EDIT-Its going to be Saratoga. See later posts for hotel info.
all you CP clowns would love the “freshman” bars lol. all 18-19 y/o’s pretty much and mostly females. havent really ventured out past the 199th-183rd st and webster ave-southern blvd areas yet. might be heading down with some people for drunken manhattan advenchurz this weekend, not sure though.