So whats going on for tonight? (12/26/08)

Bored at home, and no plans for tonight… So who’s doing what??? Lets find something to do!

i dont know, im down for whatever, been working all fuckin day with this hangover really sucks but im nearly over it now

as long as it doesnt include mandatory drinking im so for it, i would drink but i been drinking wayy to much lately , hangover every fuckin day it feels liek LOL

so lemme know wats good

I am still bored… So far I performed a Jailbreak on my iPod touch, and now learning that… but I WANT OUT!!!

i’m cleaning my car and taking some pics. then i might go up to toga and meet up with some people up there depending on how tired i am.

Eh, I might be driving down to meet up with some friends from work at Rafferty’s… anyone? anyone?

depending on who else is there, I’m down

I dont feel like doing a damn thing. Im tired.

your car was looking good today!! didnt get a chance to take a good look at it since you were washing it when i came over…
looked and sounded good from what i saw though!!

well i aint gonna say shit but i had alot of fun tonight my nuccas know wat i mean muahaha


Thats good to hear

I was in bed at 11. Nothing exciting happened last night

I ended up just screwing around, Performed a JAILBREAK on my iPod Touch, and was tinkering around with that till almost 2 am…

2 Carona’s- $8.00
LI Ice Tea-5.75
1 Coors Light-$3.75

hangin with some chill girls :nana
dancing with hottest 35yr old mom that has 2 kids :eek
Seeing big boobies in the bar :giggedy
Almost getting into a bar fight :catfight
and finding out that the girl that has an amazing ass that your about to tear up just turned 16yrs old and giving you complete blue balls … Priceless


me and u gotta go downtown on the weekends more often

btw dont forget the cap and coke and priceless hand stand

“yo dont worry i aint even gonna try to hit that TRUST ME (dude im totally gonna try)”

muahaha !!!

hahahaha that was HISTERICAL!!!

agaha i nearly chocked laughin so hard son

one more for the list

way too many bags of pretzels = 24.00 $

" let me drop some knowledge on you "
" here let me just drop you!"

“singh want me to drop his ass?” :stfu

haha the only thing he was dropping was his pants in front of his computer when he got home cuz he was too lame to spit proper game

yo btw those gay guys :wtf