Crunk night

Like the title says, its friday and some of us need to get drunk, and possibly find some c/p :crackup anybody down? and yes, i am already drunk :lol

WTF you pregamed with out me

WTF u started already?!! I’m gonna be like 6 hours behind! I have alot of catching up to do!

Adam, we don’t need to find the CP, just bring it with you!!! :bowdown :crackup

I even got a haircut today, so I’m ready! lol

Omg yeah, made the mistake of heading to silly steves for a few :nuts :runaway

Adam, you lush.

Pimpin’ aint easy :ninja :lmao

:nod Been a LONG ass week!

It has been a long week. I thought last night would be a sober night and then I went out for 1 beer which turned into 5 cause random people kept buying them for me and my friend Kristin…but where the fuck are we partying tonight

I’m gonna drink a couple beers b4 work then… haha
Hopefully I dont drop to many trays of food! :ohnoes

ahahaha your nuts !!

If ya do, ya only get out earlier!! :banana :banana :crackup

shoulda came out the other night man!

I’m first cut anyway, so I’ll be out like 9 at the latest.

We should make an Official Shift crunk meet :lol
/Drunk ramblings…

Word! With any luck the biotches will be around…

Word I need to find some cash money now…come on you sissy’s lets go out shift status


Good thing I get paid everyday in cash!! lol
One perk of working in a restaurant.

Just threw my GreyGoose in the freezer! haha