saving "flash" video... a heads up

google video, youtube, and many other sites are using flash for their streaming video these days (as well as the south park site ;)) but as a result, you cant save them, nor can you view them full screen (some atleast).

anyway, figured I’d share this with those that didnt know about it yet. Download a plugin for firefox called videodownloader and call it a day :slight_smile:



Nifty, can’t imagine that being up too long as it would violate a lot of websites TOS.

Websites have a TOS? I don’t ever remember to agreeing to any.

A majority state you are not to download videos.

Damn it doesn’t work for me. When I use it to download a flash vid all I get is the first frame.

yeah… I tried it with the south park site that was posted and it wouldnt work. maybe I’m doing something wrong? :confused:

Try that site, nothing to install, just paste in the link to the video, and it gives you a “save as” link to download from. I’m downloading the “Sabres Relentless 2006” video right now.

This only works for YouTube, GoogleVideo, and

thanks brother :tup:

edit… still cant manage to do it. can anyone figure out a way to save these joints?

Has basically them all


it saves as a flv file and then wont play in my WMP…how can i fix this?

get VLC media player :tup:

open source and supports just about every known file type :slight_smile:

yeahh i DL’d it.

now im just gonna look for a program that i can covert the flv file to wmp

im trying this with putfile and its not working…but it works fine with google :frowning:

VideoDownloader works with that site.