Say goodbye to the slaab photo thread

selling tomorrow. heres some pics i took yesterday

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurd. thats all. enjoy. shes a looker.
and a profile for good measure


Too bad. Hot car. What’s taking her place?

how much did you sell her for? Great looking car though!

Going to miss that car!

too bad. I liked that little thing.

ohh don’t you think it’s bad luck to do this kinda thing before it’s actually gone?

i like the car too. it added some flava ( of love ) to nyspeed

Nice car, sad to see it go. Now, THAT car belongs in the rare car thread.

Not to take attention away from the car, but what’s with that ‘ROAD ENDS IN WATER’ sign?? That makes me lol for real.

And uh… sexy car.
Too bad you’re selling it.
She is quite the looker.
That color is sharp.

Best sign ever.

I love that car. Wish I coulda grabbed it from ya.

was a hot car