Say Something About the Poster Above You

^ probly wont make me a sandwich

^will probably get punched in the face if he asks me in person to make him a sandwich

^^^ got lathered up in palmolive with me yesterday hahaha

^^^is probably as sore as i am

^^^ grabbed my nipple

^^^grabbed my ass

^^^is hurtin’ …BADDDD :lol:

^^^edit’s very fast :stuck_out_tongue:

^^has a huuuuuge brush burn on his leg

rubbbed me down with palmolive with stairs OOoOoOoOoOoOo sexy

^^^ I would do it 4 you too…

^^ tells me how high maintnence my mom is… but knows shes hot :lol:

^^ Needs to talk to me about high maintenance sometime. lol

^^^is my real father

^^ Twin brother left on sheets on prom night

^^^might blow out a hip soon :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ Might lose some teeth soon

^^^ LOL made me lose my milk through my nose

^^ Was that milk ?

he has a daughter named Misses Butch