Scariest Workplace Safety Video Ever!!

:eek Didnt know if i was watching a safety video or a low budget horror film!! :lol

ive seen videos just as bad as this… they are entertaining, but very poor quality. but it gets the point across

Id fuckin say so lol. Holy shit man!

Holy shit!!
wtf, damn!

:lmao :lmao

dude i love those vids. being in the union everytime u go to a mill for a shut down and get to spend hours watching them.

my favorite was the one they shop in shop class in high school. it was primative pete

LMFAO this is hilarious. THe one where the blue tank blew up and went in the guys office was classic! :rofl

3:02 lmao hahahaha

3:17 shutting down 2nd shift. BOO HOO, lets shove our hand into the machine :rofl lmaoooo

im alreayd dyin laughin and i didnt even watch it yet

gonna now…

ok watched it, after lettng it load for ever

and W T F LOLLLLLLl that video is disgusting man LOL hahaha the hand in the machine was stupid as hell

they really got graphical on some of that shit

the one with the guy on the latter who throws something off the shelf, then he comes down and some how CUTS HIS FINGER OFF… i dont understand that… i doubt ur finger is gonna come straight off over some bracket LOL



Don’t laugh, I actually had to watch this video as part of the 2 week long training for Georgia Pacific

damn I wanna bring this into my warehouse. Just for laughs. But seriously some of the guys I work with do some sketchy things with a forklift lol.

forklifts are the fuckin bomb :slight_smile: u can do a lot of cool shit there is prolly a video some where of them doing some crazy shit !

Check the German forklif safety video in the link above the video. LMAO hard on that one! The end is def the best, totally worth it! LOL