scary weather in philly...

i can not believe the weather up here. i had to take my brother to the airport, and the wind was so bad, i could feel it pushing my car. plus, it was snowing, in april, i hate mother nature. she needs to get over her peroid, or whatever her problem is…

same here. But I did not take my brother to the airport.

well, thats good, at least the weather sucks everywhere. i really am starting to hate myself because i had a chance to go to arizona for my job, but no, i had to stay in PA. yeah, im an idiot.

just drove through it…nothing speacial

windy as FAHK here…and cold and flurrying…WTF. Enough already!!! :slight_smile:

wow i so do not give a fuck about phillys weather.

you pussies need to be out working in it before you can bitch about it!

driving wasn’t too fun. tossed side to side On I-79 was a hassle.

thankfully no intense labor outside :kekegay:

70 and alil windy here today. heh

just whorin through…learnin from shaggy

um… yeah go fuck yourself and everyone not in pgh :stick:

Mac, dont hate because I am smarter than you are!!!

I think we’re still about an inch and a half below normal snowfall for April around here.

Why does everyone always forget that we’re not in the south?

If I ever, EVER catch you saying something like that again, I’ll cut off your balls and shove them down your fucking throat!

should of went out of flew a kite