Screw Sisqo

He hasn’t released anything good in years!

har. C- man.


he needs to release a “Zong Song”


this is heading nowhere good

A parody of a parody thread…

Is this a first?

I remember right after the success of the Thong Song he was on MTV Cribs showing off his huge house and I thought he’ll be screwed if he’s a 1-hit-wonder. Weird.

the crisco thread came after this one.

ENTER THE DRAGON BITCHES… yeah i know… shadup



now i know why you have your own make fun of skunk thread… hahaha

i didnt see it anywhere, and if its a pic hosted by photobucket, work blocks it so i cant see it anyway… so eat my ass, its new to me… well, if you dont count the fact i reposted on myself