scuplture park meet/cruise (5/13/07)

anyone want to have a meet/cruise to sculpture park tomorrow?

–great spot for pictures if anyone hasnt gotten any taken yet this year.

(plan on getting to scuplture park by 1-2pm?)

For some odd reason I think I’ll be attending this…

which sculpture park? reason im asking is i have a sculture in the woods at grifis sculture park

The one just outside of Springville on route 219.


which sculpture park? reason im asking is i have a sculture in the woods at grifis sculture park


the one near ellicotville

no one wants to do this before mothers day dinner?

I want to go, but I do not want to drive my car all the way there since gas is pricey.

I want to play on sculptures. It looks like all sorts of fun.

Is anyone going to this? I don’t want to drive down there for nothing.

I know me and Solo are going no matter what. My one friend might drive there too. I don’t know when were leaving though or where were meeting up.

im not going.

its 2 aleady. eating dinner with the fam. then leaving for school

I’ve really wanted to go back to this place, no idea how to get there though. Definitely would be down if it’s in the future.

ya u should make it more convienent… and set it up liek a couple days in advance

yea i am for next weekend for and i plan on arriving there sat. night in time for sunset


I’ve really wanted to go back to this place, no idea how to get there though. Definitely would be down if it’s in the future.


Hmmm…we should gather all the WRX Wagons and head down there.

if ur interested. see my other thread for 5/19/07