Selling Items

Hello Guys,

I havent posted in to long but I have a few things for sell.

240sx DOCH Unorthodox Racing Crank Pulley with the 3 belts needed and crank seal for $250

Megan SS for a 240sx 5 spd for $95

240sx Popup Diamond Cut Headlights for $25 (no bulbs)

240sx Stock Headlights $10

Leave me a message if your interested and these are in CDN.

Also if anybody has non popup conversion lights for the s13 body please let me know.

Details on the pop up diamond cut headlights, are they new? brand? and ofcourse DIBS! :smiley:


I dont remember the brand but all of the Diamond Cut Headlights are all the same.

Okay, well assuming they’re new, I’ll take em. One catch, I’m only available after the 17th because of finals :frowning: Pm me with when and where you wanna meet. I’m 100% on this, not backing out, but if you need the money in a hurry, I can’t blame you for selling em to someone else.
Edit: If you cut me a deal I’ll take the Megan SS too :slight_smile:

I’ll take the diamond cut headlights…
can i put HIDs in them?


Yup, you can put whatever H4 bulbs you want and do an HID conversion.

Hey I’ll get those stock headlights can you give me a picture of it by the way I need to see it before buy.


I dont have a picture of the headlights because they are stock. Stock headlights look all the same also they work.

Hey guys,


Hey Everyone,

The SS and diamond cut headlights are sold. I am still selling the stock headlights for $10 and also im lowering my price for the UR Pulley with belts and front oil seal down to $200 CDN