Severe weather, NY

I’m kind of a weather nerd and I’ve never seen this many tornado watches out in NY. All that yellow is tornado watches, and the orange is a tornado watch on top of a severee thunder storm warning.

WNY got lucky that front went through before the sun had time to really energize it.

thought it was supposed to nasty later, doesn’t look like it now

the lake helped as well.

That sucks.

I enjoy watching severe weather as long as my house, family, or car are not affected.

the weathers been pissing me off all week. everyday is scattered t-storms and 30-40% precip. I chicken out on riding my bike because of it and it ends up being beautiful out.

Yeah I need to download weather bug or something.

weathe rbug sux…slows down the PC. well mine anyways

our power was out for 45 min in amherst but its on now
but when it went out…it was sunny


In Detroit we have had two nasty storms in a row. 150,000 without power after Sunday night.

I personally like the weather today MUCH more than the past few.

Some good storms would’ve been nice to see though.

make that +2

Uhhhh, that’s called summer. When ever it’s hot and humid you get a chance of t-storms. If you’re going to leave the bike home every time there is a 30% chance of a t-storm you’ll be pissed 90% of the summer.

we’re getting hit right now over here. :tup: