ShadyStunts Stuntin

heres a video of ShadyStunts(member here but hasn’t posted in awhile, he is all so who i am posting the Hombre for in the classifieds ) stunting at Thunder in The Burg(he’s rock’n the black/silver bike with RED shoes)


those guys r crazy when there goin down the highway doin that shit

indeed it is

ya thats stuff is cool…but the parking lot stunting is where its at

no quik,no care

:weak: :weak: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

wow very nice…i love motorcycle stunts like that… wish i had a bike



My boys BooBash, Mark, and Elliot tearing it up. My Z is in there for a second too. cool vid.



The main person in the vid on the yellow/black bike. Thats my boy Brian Boobash. I was standing right there when this was going on.

ooo. i thought that was some sort of nickname…

bubash is def unreal on a bike same with tom on the red cbr

def…and josh

cause you’ve never seen me stunt’n

oh ya…u must be pretty sick at it…:rofl:

i dont know josh wheres he from?

josh is from jeanette/trafford area