Shift 518 Poker/Cigar night

I’ll host at my apartment one night. I dont mind. Theres plenty of room

Sounds good fellas! One night I may be able to clear out the garage and set something up, but thats gonna take the better part of the day lol.

Cossey, def down for your place, get your bro in on it too!


very tempting… havent played poker in a while

Me either going to Turning Stone here in like two weeks cant wait.

I have a second bedroom I dont even use, we could definetly fit a table in there no problem.

Sick ^

R I invited?


No…no yellow tooth hicks allowed

go fuck yourself. :retardclap

am I invited? I may be in for this sometime…

adam, im def down for this man, lemme know! i think u got my number!

where you been!!!^^^ we gotta get together this week!

hell yeah we do man, havent seen u in forever!

why does your car sound like a Jet???

why is your car faster then a Jet?


lol ha… i have no clue! lol


Yeah I wanna do this bad, Kdubs you got the invite anytime ya wanna swing through!

Been really busy lately guys, sorry we havent been able to set anything good up yet