poker tonight

texas hold 'em tonight @ my place in clifton park. $10 buy in for tourney. rebuys within the first hour. game kicks off @ 9pm… bring your own beverages or we can all pitch in and order a pizza or something. trying to get at least 8 people total. have 3 currently.
1.) ej257ftw
2.) grimmickb
3.) tunedgsr

add your name to the list if you are POSITIVE you can and will make it…
get ahold of me via instant message @ freshe112b or private message on here for directions.

I would make it but I think I might have plans :frowning:

fuck plans… come play poker with the boys.

i have a girlfriend to attend to :pete

i would go (excuses) but im goin to india tonight

nah im jokin im goin to my grandparents/brothers place so thats totally out the way

yeah i would, but my poker face is broken.

yep… kinda was expecting this response… was worth a fuckin try anyways.

i would if i had money. saves time then going all the way to the casino :lol

yeah why drive a few hours to lose your money, when you can go up the northway a few exits and get raped.

its a work night otherwise I might play.

you go to the casino to lose not to win thats why im saying save time and play at his house. :lol

have no money to play, and i’m tired… sometime i’ll make it though.

im sorry…was somewhere in travis’s first post did he say “hey if you guys cant come, please tell me why below…”? haha man every post is someone sayin why they cant come.

Oh man I would soooo go and totally school all of you guys, but im a girl and I wouldnt want to ruin “guy time” :hug so maybe next time if some of the girlfriends/wives go let me know and ill be there

if you’re hot and single… you’re invited. but im warning you… im the only single good looking guy here.

Travis shes gonna know your lieing when she sees you


the other ones comming have girlfriends/wives… hence the only SINGLE good looking guy here.

The only single guy.

single…yes hot…not so much lol

uumm excuse me but isnt there a whole thread on “Trav’s new gf”? so doesnt that mean your NOT single??

not to mention, i dont really know any of the guys going so dont think i should be going to some random kids house, so that i can get raped and taken pictures of on a dirty bed with a dirty wall behind me hahahaha jk jk