If anyone listens to Howard Stern you know the epic IQ contest/betting ring/hilarity that has been going on this week.
Basically the entire staff of the show (including epic whack-packers Wendy the (not-so) Retard, Jeff the Drunk, and High-Pitch Eric) took an IQ test and placed ridiculous over/under, spread and ordered bets on the results.
I would be no fun considering ive taken it twice (Binet test i think). I scored high so they made me retake it to confirm. (138/139) I would love to see jiggs vs pjb. Considering jiggs has told me his IQ is a 250 before lol. (140 classifies you as a basic genious)
So this is an epic fail, the whole point was to not tell anybody and then place bets on yourself v others and others v others, not to brag about your scores :rofl