Shift518 ChillNGrill V2 pics.

you know how I know you’re gay



because you have a silent H in your name


damnit not one person took a picture of my car!!! is it not worthy?

I finally got a pic of my car :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana


vlad did… he didnt post all his pics on here tho

no pics of my car either :sad :lol wheres swifty going under me on the swing?

ohh thats cold !

i think theres 3 pics and 1 video of you on the swings

I was talking to Lance commenting on my wardrobe :gay

Mark I got a video of that, but You Tube = :gay and won’t let me post it from work.
And all the pictures I took of cars I didn’t post up because Vlad yelled at me.


any pics of my hooptie? ill take all I can get, got a big ol’ file on the dead laptop.

damn I hope I can back everything up before re-installing today :sad

You might be able to reinstall windows right on top of the old install, and get it to work good enough to go in and backup all your files then wipe the harddrive and go for a fresh install.

But yeah, post moar pics! I think the next meet I goto I’ll bring my camera too.

yea he can probably just install it right on top, for the sake of backing up files

I saw someone squat down and take a pic of my POS when I pulled in, who was that??

Update on this in my laptop thread, this is basically what ended up happening.

what no pics of the vig??? even though she still has damage
but at least im in one of the pics u posted:

Who’s blowing dave? ;D