pre show wash
new sticker location
alot more to come
a want to thank every one that came to the gtg it was great time meeting new people and talking to all of you. great times . TRAVIS i do like you wheels :lol nice to see ya there . thanks vlad and cossie for the food and the guy that was cooking with me
nice, i forget who got engine shots… i think it was travis, keep 'em comin!!
travis post up ur pics
That was me manning the grill
i didn’t recognize u
That’s because I was walking without crutches and sans limp
and because there was a girl with you, not a guy. :gay :haha
Damn my alcoholism.
Im so pissed i was sick in bad all day and missed it all
HAHA @ the pic of travis. Johawk in the bg gettin some :giggedy
and Chuck in the background as well looking like a confused retard. :crackup
and the pic of Singh and Mark on the swings :rofl
:lol Dee de dee :tong
I’m uploading the video of the group driving by this morning when I met up with them… Be up soon! :banana
Nice! i wanted to see that. :nod
It would have been alot better if the Nisky cop wasn’t in front of you guys… but at least its better than nothing…
Yeah damn Nisky cops :angry2 :headbang
So where is it? :sleep
still uploading…
i didnt take many pics today… was havin a good time and didnt really feel like snapping away as jeremy (1badbug) had it covered pretty much. however, swifty wanted me to do up some engine shots for em so… this is what y’all got to look at from me… underdoggie video will be up shortly as well.
oh and here’s kramerbuccs showing his true colors