Shift's Troll [split]


Why do you even post? You are absolutely worthless to this site.

u mad bro?

I was going to compliment you on your new motorcycle but now you shall get nothing. NOTHING

And you are further proving my point…

Worry less about what I’m doing and more about taking care of that robins egg blue paint job :rofl

You mad because my bike is worth more then everything you own?

JP1986, are you “the Troll” on Slide?

Wait I forget. Who is JP1986?

pot meet kettle.

So you are all over SlideNY and have never been sssssidewayz youself? :skid

I should join SlideNY. I was sideways in my amberlamps during the hail this afternoon

You have noooo room to talk:skid


That shit came out of nowhere, one second is was partly sunny, then BOOM.

Or Chris 07SS


He had to start a new name because he couldn’t handle being stuck to Trashbin where all his posts belong.

I think the cycle is due for this name to end up there too, he clearly doesn’t ever learn.

One thread I created is still a sticky so it couldn’t have been that bad, brah.

You say stunter too much.

Thats not him haha

then who the hell is it? that awkward penguin meme actually got a lol out of me!