shop open house

Keg of beer.

Red X and keg of beer?

I use firefox and see the img without issue. I tried explorer and its a red X. Don’t know whats up with that. Its hosted on photobucket.

Google Chrome shows the image

… and going to try to swing by

Well, since there will be beer…

Maybe I’ll try to get up there if my new shift linkage gets here and I get it in by then.

So what’s an appropriate shop warming gift? Lace doilies for the lift? :kekegay:

you had me at keg of beer

They see me rollin

:rofl: that is awesome. i will see if i can get out of here for a little bit tomo.

:rofl: I do the weekly rotate of red dumpster at the carpet place ( 100 feet from entrance of domination ) . May stop down in a bit.
done it wednesday 2am ohwell

Edit @ NOON :wtf: yinz day walkers need to get active at 5am. fuck this 7am -1200pm BS :slight_smile:

Wish I could have made it, had work, then had to put my car back together.