Show off your pumpkin carving skills!

can’t believe I haven’t seen one of these threads on here yet…

I’ll start with mine, a Punisher Skull

what did you carve?

Where is STM? They always make crazy pumpkins

are those wieners? lol

i havent carved a pumpkin in 10-15 years. outgrew it pretty quickly, i blame it on living in the country where there are no trick er treat ers.

I was going to cut a siq pumpkin carving with the water jet butt I didn’t have time. :frowning:

Close to the original post, but the Corvette Racing team logo :wink:

People that use stencils are fggts.

That is all.

Like The Punisher and The Crow carvins.

Nothing special from my family lol

I carved one the other day with a .45 lol. I will try to get a pic.

lol @ penis pumpkin.

x2 and weiner pumpkin