Shred & Regan @ Dunn Tire

Awesome pictures. Looks like it was a lot of fun.

hey you got a pic of my buddies pontiac cool!

when is the next batch of dope ass jdm pics coming out?!?!?!?!?

I know the white STi with Florida plates. What did she run?

10.10 i think was her best…

Cheers guys. Anybody have Chuck Basil’s contact details?

Haha, looks liek an awesome time. I gotta head up there now that I’m not working on the night shift anymore (after tomorrow…)

yeah, i see you all the time. one of ur buddies brang there neon to my work to get exhaust work or something like that

Probably taking the beater mobile up just to get a baseline 1/8th mile run.

nice pictures :tup:


ugh lol

Sweet pics! Looks like a good time. I’ll have to dust off the old Civic and meet you guys out sometime.

lol i see the “liv2prty” elise downtown all the time

BTW that girl in that lotus was fucking HOTTT