
well im not and i liked this psych. vid. on you tube. hit up the psylosybon or LSD and take a look.

Kinda seemed a waste of the 54 seconds I watched it.

Yay, VW Dung Beetle. Wtf.

Also I forgot to mention this is so full of awesome.


You should’ve posted this like two weeks ago

search “salad fingers” on youtube

salad fingers is creepy as hell


The Monkee’s “Head” (1968)
Frank Zappa’s “200 Motels” (1971)
Forbidden Zone (although I only started it, it was in black in white, I want to wait until I can see it in color) (1980)
Refer Madness (1936)

Those are true psychedelic movies.


search “salad fingers” on youtube


yea def. weirdo material