Sick/Clean Engine Bay

brings me back to my days of aeronautical welding




Much lol’z :lol

Just a dumpy 4V, going low 7’s lol


For trealz??

Tino has way too much fucking money

haha yeah I remember posting up a pic of that thinking you’d be all excited

Oh dang. Im old, I cant remember what I had for lunch. Who are you?!? :lol

thats lance… weve all hung out before, jesus fuck GET A GRIP

Go eat a flaming fart you ass wad

Im not sure who you are, or why youre yelling at me

Again, not sure who you are, but your personal attacks do not seemed warranted.

Good day sirs


Tbev begs to differ you touch hole


fucking amen to that…

yea seriously i want some haha. any clue how hes got so much? australian drug dealer? lol

relax keith