Sick/Clean Engine Bay

Mmmmmmmmmmm hhhmmmmmm

lmao!! YOU HAVE A F’IN SUPRA!!! STOP CRYING! if you say something that is even remotely close to complaining about the size of your motor, you are hereby obligated to buy a damn camaro…



Every time I see a picture of one it reminds me why I will never buy one :rofl

New Cobra-Jet motor… 1400+hp from the factory :wow

how much $$$$?

Heh, no clue. Dont think I wanna know :lol


I saw a cobra jet run last year at the valley and on his 2nd run ever, the thing broke the fuck up. Had to get towed and put on the trailer. The guy was PISSED.

^ Trust me, last car I’d purchase. :slight_smile:

lol, he also knew very little about his car. he said he got a deal on it and paid 80k. needless to say they arent street legal and have no VIN number. just a build number. i would at least want to register and drive my 100k drag car LOL

C-GT bay FTMFW. Doesn’t get my cleaner than that in OEM trim.

If only I could hit some sort of ridiculous lottery or go back in time and invest all my money in microsoft.

Fuck, CGT is so baller.

spaceship setup. so sick.

one of my favorite car builders for years and the mill for a 62 chevy he built a few years back.

another one of troys bays

^ That engine bay is perfect.