sick fifastreet players

its not a cam recording. FYI its a new viral video that EA made for the release of fifa street 3. better research will net you a lot of info

thats what i said. not everything was real. first thing to check is only the shadow. next check the velocity of the ball. trust me i did cgi back in college. theres a lot of tell tale signs of when it was cgi.

the only reason why i didn’t see a shadow for the round house kick that hit the goal post was because of the clouds.

it wasn’t as sunny and that was actually the only thing i didn’t see a shadow, but it was probably covered by the sun.

so basically everything on the vid is real?

samson your killing me. lets leave it to everyones opinion. i personally know not all of it is real since its cleary CGI in 30% of the tricks. the actual people and their movement is real but the ball was placed in using vfx. if people believe its real all the power to you. i can bet $100 that in a months time fifa will come out with a behind the scenes video featuring the studio that did the cgi.

hahahaha i’m just saying. not trying to bust your balls bro

ok friendly bet, 1 month from now fifa will release it. I ain’t betting because I’m not saying your wrong.

btw, when you gonna pick up the caps mang? i already talked to matt aka lucky and he knows whats up

we are good to goooo

i gonna pick them up soon. im really busy this week since im helping people out at the autoshow. i was able to get inside the VIP section where they had a gtr on display without any barrier. they only let me in for a few mintues and i wasnt allowed to touch the car. but being within 2 inches away from the car was amazing. ill pick up the caps when im done with the autoshow.

Alex is the new shitstarter? how surprising…

Although, I’m going to remain neutral. It could be either.

lol yup.

either way the vid is sick. my whole point hahhaa… nothing else. but whatever floats ur boat.

hahah - you guys and your internet man.

It’s fake. No if, ands, or buts about it.

And to reference the nike commercial where Ron hits the post…that’s FAKE TOO!

this isent a debate. i really couldent care less if it was real or not. the whole idea of the post is that its a sick video. just some people love to look smart and mark up the post count by post whoring threads.

no pun, the fact is, its a sweet video regardless of editing or reality period.

it is a sick ass video so STF or go join nissan nation.

end of story

lol jsut look at the ball move and spin … clealry not real

regardless FOOTBALL FTW

T-O-R-O-N-T-Oooooooo TFC!!!