sick fifastreet players

these guys are sick…

nice nice…this reminds me the good days back home when i used to play pro
soccer…thats all we did 24\7 lol…

yeh same here man when i lived in mexico nothing else to do but soccer hahhaa… good ol days…

thats not human man…
thats like parkour mix with soccer =D

its pretty sick. mad control of the ball… awsome to watch.

I can only dream doing that…living in canada in the past 6 years and I haven’t play any real soccer at all! too expensive in the winter and busy working in the summer … and I lost all my fitness and running speed…

yeh i tried to do it here but dident like it. just not the same.

you guys do realize most of it is just CGI. regardless they sure can move.

how is it CG?

have you seen the video of ronaldino? hitting the post 5x+ consecutively from far outside the box.

i think its pretty possible what these guys did

I this it is possible for these guys to be doing what they’re doing in this video, but MAD practice, expert players, and lots of tries would be needed to get it right. It would also be possible to do it with CGI by cropping in a soccer ball, which would be a lot easier and probably cheaper for whoever is making the commercial.

it is cgi. i used to dabble in a little bit of cgi before, back when i was in college. you can cleary see a difference in the ball when its cgi. also i used to varsity for soccer back in my early high school years. the velocity that the ball is traveling isnt enough for it to move the way it does. also that vid of ronaldinho has been debated for the longest time weather its cgi. i think he is just that good. but thats certainly not the case here. just watch the ball carefully and you’ll realize when its cgi and when its not. also check for the balls shadow in the vid. you’ll notice that in most of the shots you cant see any form of shadow.

CGI or not, its still crazy siht that i could never do. but still its crazy to watch.

lol these guys do it for real its not made up …

lol this is not CGI…u can do most of those tricks if u practice alot…guys bring
a ball next meet…and I’ll show ya 80% of the shit they do there…lol

lets do some kung foo fighting with the ball vlad… im down

don’t be too skeptic…we all know how skillful is street football players are. ronaldo and ronaldinho, bebeto, kaka’, roberto carlos, and most of the brazilian players all hail from street soccer.

sorry to burst everyones bubble but they even list here the VFX studio that edited the commercial. although i dont doubt they have skill. some of the shots are clearly CGI. like i said earlier look for the balls shadow. its very sunny out and you can see shadows of everything else but the ball. also you will notice how some of the shots the ball seem to be a flat white color with almost no different shades of whites. those were the times they used cgi.

lol that a video is cam recording not a comercial man. its made in mexico and i doubt they have the skill to edit it. ive seen many people do the same in exicibitions down there so i highly doubt its fake and if it is its still a sick video mad props.

Hey alex, I actually looked for shadows and I saw at least 90% of them on the crazy moves.

The only ones I didnt really see were the first round house kick that hit the goal post and went in. Even the round house kicks with the 3 guys, i saw a shadow.

thats what im saying.