SIG WARS - Rebuttle to NEWMANS Rebuttle!

Here it is…LOL!!!

Haha pretty nice but whos the gay dude with the beard fighting newman?


LOL :lol:


It would have been better if you had put your heads on Mortal Kombat characters. And executed a fatality at the end.

It’s Tom Green’s stunt double… :hay:

what’s with the green… does it go with the red to make everyone feel like it’s christmas?


so wait… if you are doing the matrix and you a morpheious… doesnt neo evnetially beat morphious/?

no no, the other pill was blue


lol u guys have too much time on your hands

I’m the GAY dude with the beard…LOL!!!:lol:

Its all in FUN!!!

you guys both smoke the meat stick.

you two should just get it over and have a good old sissy fight.

newman—>:gay3: <-----spence speed

*or just fcuk:hitit:

^ but who’s gonna be the taker???


Now I need to update the bandwagon sig. Bastard

lol thats sweet. i agree with the mortal combat part though. that would rock.
