Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

Shit started when you brought my name up in a fucking thread I left this site because it was all a bunch of old lonley men causing drama. My name NEVER should have been brought up and we wpuldnt be sitting here getting personal… And if my life ever gets to your pathetic level where it turns out I spend the majority of my day on my ass on a car forum talking shit about a girl you barley know and I’m prettty sure we were cool once and your life apparently sucks fucking dick you had to cause a shit load of problems just for a good laugh… If my life ever gets that low yeah I’d kill myself… You know damn well you brought my name up to be an asshole and you wanted responses well here you fucking go ur a piece of shit and belong with fucking trash. This arguement is over and you can stop trying so hard come at me like that everything your saying its not like I havnt heard it before I have guy friends get over it… The number of guys I slept with out of that group yeah if you knew that ud be talking everything you said back so everything your saying is a waste of time. Your honestly wasting your time telling me all of that.

And dave singleton… Don’t fucking say shit ur a fake ass mother fucker… You always have something to say on a thread but when I see you in person your fucking nice and shit … Ur a sad excuse too twofaced fucking.bitch