Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

I still love you :hug

Cocky girls are a no.


and you^^

Well what’s her reason to even post on here? Everyone acts like they never seen a girl befor in there life lol

Seen one? yes… talked to one? maybe to ask to copy there homework… fucked one? fucckkk noo lol

some good dudes on this forum and some hopeless fools :frowning:

Butttttt cock in girls is a yes.


Not any ive seen post on here.

oh yes.

Thats what I’m sayin…

Oh yahhh… your daddy’s little angel posting up pics of yourself on a car forum, you must not be lookin for attention/lots of cock at all. You also seem a bit conceded their sweet heart. Finally, you should be ashamed for getting kids like Nick Alero’s and Joe Jigs hopes and dreams up that they might be able to enter your lady sack you call a vaginer.

Probably the best post I have EVER in my life read on shift518 lmmmaaoooo im gonna rep you, rep mad other people and then rep you again for this 1


Fuck You Kevin finish your car your self

Some serious creepers on here. Yeah I’m lookin at you Omega

sorry nick, love u bro but i hada do it



Just sshit

Not all of us can be as brute as you and Pete at the club…